There is some debate among people who love conifers as to whether it’s acceptable to have Tree Pruning in Bronx NY done for the lower branches of evergreen trees. The process is known as limbing up. Ideally, cutting those branches off would never be done and the tree would be allowed to grow entirely naturally. Unfortunately, however, those lower branches can cause problems for the property owner. Especially when two or more spruce or fir trees are growing close together, the amount of shade they produce can keep the ground saturated for a long time after rain falls or snow melts. If the trees are close to the house, this can be bad for the foundation and can even start to cause buckling in the basement wall.
Some property owners want Tree Pruning in Bronx NY for lower evergreen branches because mowing around these trees becomes very difficult. The grass under the trees eventually dies off because it never sees the sunshine and stays too wet. The lack of sunshine can also affect the lower tree branches; in some thick evergreen trees, those lower branches die off and look unsightly.
Many individuals simply don’t like the way the trees looks with branches actually hanging on the ground, although this is the way some conifers naturally grow. They’ve also heard that the tree benefits from better air circulation when those branches are removed. If they are confused about whether or not to have the limbs pruned, they can ask advice from arborists with a company like Arnoldo’s Tree Service. The tree service technicians are experienced and knowledgeable about how limbing up affects various species of evergreens.
The problems with these low-hanging branches tend to become more aggravating when the tree is fully mature. At that point, it can be more reasonable to have some pruning done, since the tree won’t continue any dramatic growth resulting in a long bare trunk. If the technicians and the property owner agree that some of the branches should be trimmed away, the arborists will do this conservatively to maintain the beauty of the tree. Please visit the website and learn how to schedule tree pruning service.