Eating with missing teeth can be trying and embarrassing. Dental implants easily offer you a way out of that situation. An implant is essentially an artificial tooth root typically made out of ceramic materials. The implant fuses together with your bone. There are two types of implants you can choose from, says the American Academy of Periodontology or AAP. These are the endosteal and subperiosteal implants.
Implants fuse with your jawbone so they don’t shift or slip. They feel as secure and natural as your own teeth, so you won’t have to worry they’ll pop out or slip when you least want or expect them to.
Unlike dentures that you’ve got to continually take out, you can clean your implants the same way you do your teeth. No need to soak them up overnight in a solution. Brush your implants like you would your teeth – the old-fashioned way.
When you lose a tooth, the surrounding teeth shift into the space, which could affect your jawbone or facial contours. Implants allow you to eat or speak without the embarrassment of people seeing your missing tooth.
Implants aren’t ideal for everyone, though. If you haven’t got enough bone to support an implant, you might want to consider other options. Or you could boost your jawbone height with another dental treatment. If you’re a smoker, though, you’re twice as likely to lose your implant as the average patient.
For dental implants in Gurnee, consult your dentist. You need to be sure it’s the right treatment for you. Expect some local anesthesia to prepare you for the procedure. You’ll probably have some swelling and mild pain afterwards, but you can ask for a pain medication to ease the worst of it.
So consult your dentist, and give them time to review your treatment plan. Implants are a major step, so it’s only right that you proceed with an experienced professional at Excellence In Dentistry.