The Newbies Guide To Electronic Cigarettes

by | Jul 28, 2015 | Electronic Cigarettes

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Even though they are gaining in popularity, not everyone knows what Electronic Cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are. There are some e-cigarettes that are indistinguishable from regular cigarettes. Other e-cigarettes closely resemble writing pens in appearance. Regardless of their appearance, e-cigarettes are almost always battery powered. The smoking effect is created when nicotine is dissolved in a mixture of propylene glycol and water. The finished product of this process is a vapor that closely resembles smoke, but doesn’t come with some of the negative effects of smoke. It doesn’t leave a lingering scent in the air nor does it stick to clothing.

Electronic Cigarettes can be purchased at The Vaporium or any other quality online or offline retailer. To make the switch from regular cigarettes to e-cigarettes, an individual will need to purchase a special kit that contains things like a battery and cartridges. Flavored cartridges can be purchased if they are preferred to regular cartridges. For people trying to avoid nicotine, there are cartridges that don’t contain any trace of nicotine. Even though a smoker has to purchase equipment, smoking e-cigarettes is a lot cheaper in the long run when compared to regular smoking.

It’s only natural for safety to be a concern when smoking is brought up. It’s generally thought that using e-cigarettes is much safer than regular smoking. Part of the reasoning behind this line of thinking is that there isn’t any plant matter burned during e-smoking. This means that there aren’t any carcinogens related to combustion being created. Although nicotine can still be present if a nicotine cartridge is used, nicotine is generally considered one of the most benign ingredients in tobacco products. However, the effects of long-term use of propylene glycol are unknown at this time.

Some people have used e-cigarettes to quit smoking tobacco products. For some, smoking is more about having something to do than it is the nicotine. Using e-cigarettes with nicotine-free cartridges allows a person to imitate the movements associated with smoking. People can also slowly wean themselves off nicotine by using the right cartridges with their e-cigarettes. Although there aren’t any studies showing that e-cigarettes can help people kick a tobacco habit, anecdotal reports have led some people to try e-cigarettes for that purpose. You can follow them on Instagram.

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