Signs You Need Septic Repair in Des Moines, Iowa

by | May 11, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance

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The septic system is your home’s waste disposal system. When functioning properly, it is a system that is quietly doing its job. However, usage and time can play a devastating role on the septic system. Eventually, it will need repairs to ensure that it can continue functioning. These are a few signs that your septic system is in need of repairs. All repairs should be done quickly to ensure that the sewage does not wind up back in your home.

One of the signs that you need Septic Repair in Des Moines Iowa, is unexplained moisture in the yard. If your yard has wet spots around your septic tank, it is in dire need of repairs. This is a sign that your sewage is leaking through the tank and causing damage to your yard. At this point, the repairs will consist of a tank replacement. Tanks should be checked periodically to ensure they are intact and are not leaking.

Another sign that you need repair is the scent of the sewage in the house. The gases in the septic system can seep back into the home if the system isn’t functioning properly. Since the scent of these gases is a sign that you need repair, you will need to get the problem checked out before the problem becomes much worse and the sewage starts backing up in the home.

A slow system backup is another sign that you need Septic Repair in Des Moines Iowa. The slow drainage problem is indicative of a problem with your septic tank’s ability to accept additional waste. The system may need to be cleared out as part of the repair. The piping will also need to be checked to ensure that the blockage is not also causing a problem with the drainage into the septic tank.

These are some of the signs that your septic tank system is in trouble. The septic system is a part of maintaining the health of your home. While you should get regular inspections, one of these signs indicates repairs are needed. For more information on septic systems, visit the website.

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