Your Social Security Disability Lawyer in Fresno is There for You

by | Jul 24, 2021 | Lawyers

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If you have been denied your Social Security Disability benefits, it may be time to try again and use the resources of a Social Security Disability Lawyer in Fresno. After all, this is your future that is being dealt with. You need to know for certain that everything is going to work out for the best. You need a lawyer who is going to stand up and represent you no matter how difficult things may look.

Peña & Bromberg, PLC is a law firm that is not going to charge you any money unless you collect a settlement. Because of this, you honestly have nothing to lose by using their services. In fact, they will give you a free case evaluation whenever you are ready. If you do decide to hire their services, you won’t have to come up with any money out of your own pocket. In fact, they aren’t going to charge you any money unless you win your lawsuit. Even then, the money that you owe will be automatically deducted from your settlement check. As you can see, this is a no risk situation.

Maybe you are not aware of the fact that you will be paid from the time that you last applied. Of course, the fee for your attorney would be deducted. On average, it will take around two years for you to be approved for your Social Security Disability benefits. This is why you want to apply as soon as possible. If you are currently working, you are going to have to leave your employer before you can apply for benefits. You are also going to need a doctor to verify that you do have health problems.

This can be a very stressful process. However, it is well worth it. Get on the phone with your Social Security Disability Lawyer in Fresno as soon as possible. This way, he can get started with the paperwork and things will be over with before you know it.

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