The number one reason that people visit an Emergency Dentist in Vista, CA is due to pain. Tooth pain may be triggered by extremely cold or hot drinks and food and other stimuli. If you grind or heavily bite it can cause a tooth to break, which will make it painful when you chew food. There are also cases when a filling may fall out, causing a throbbing type of ache in your mouth.
If you have suffered any type of injury to your gums or teeth, you should not ignore it. Blood vessels and nerves may become damaged and there may also be the risk of developing an infection. If an infection does develop, and is not treated in a timely manner it may spread to other areas in your head and neck and cause a number of serious health issues. In some rare cases, it may become a life threatening situation. It is extremely important that you seek professional treatment right away for any type of dental injury. When you receive treatment for any injury for your teeth right away, you can avoid serious problems down the road.
Modern Emergency Dentist in Vista, CA have a number of different options to deal with a variety of different dental emergencies. With advances in pain management and methods to restore your teeth, you can reduce your discomfort and ensure that no serious problems develop. Teeth are able to be repaired with a number of different synthetic materials that are strong and that have an aesthetic appearance that appears as good as your natural teeth.
The dentist that you visit will also have the training and ability to recognize when you have a serious dental issue and take the proper steps to ensure that it is completely fixed and your tooth is resorted to a healthy state. Dr. George Braithwaite offers emergency dental services for any problem or issue that you may be experiencing. The worst possible thing that you can do is ignore a dental injury, as it can cause very serious problems down the road that may affect your overall health.