Laws that govern Olmsted County explain the penalties for DWI in which an accident occurred. They further address the need for automobile insurance for all drivers who own or operate a vehicle in the county. As it stands, drivers in Olmsted County are obligated to fulfill the state’s minimum requirements which cover $30,000 for injuries sustained by one individual in an accident, $60,000 for more than one individual injured, and $10,000 for total property damage sustained. Drivers who are arrested due to alcohol-related moving violations require a DWI Attorney in Rochester MN to represent them. Anyone who fails to comply with these traffic laws is subject to the full penalty assigned.
DWI and Insurance Violations
Any driver who is arrested under suspicion of DWI is subject to the stipulations of the implied consent laws. They do have the right to initiate their right to a DWI Attorney in Rochester MN. However, under this assumed right, law enforcement can chemically test any driver who chooses to drive while impaired. This law further stipulates that the driver consents to, not only a breathalyzer test but also to chemical testing, which includes blood and urine. Any driver who was involved in an automobile accident, and under suspicion of a DWI is subject to an immediate arrest and testing. It is advisable that he or she acquires a DWI Attorney in Rochester MN promptly.
When an intoxicated driver cannot show proof of automobile insurance, he or she is subject to fines up to $200 and license suspension. A citation for no insurance is issued while the DWI charge is applied and may require a DWI Attorney in Rochester MN when other charges are implied. The officer who was on the scene will inform the driver of his or her court date for the insurance violation. If the driver fails to provide proof of insurance on or before the court date, the DMV is notified immediately.
Upon announcement of this failure, the DMV reserves the right to, not only suspend the driver’s license of the individual, but also revoke the registration for their automobile. Olmsted County can impose a jail sentence for anyone who fails to comply with insurance requirements. This penalty is up to ninety days in county lock-up. Repeat offenders are subject to the maximum penalty; these individuals may Contact Anderson Law Firm to hire a DWI Attorney in Rochester MN.