Most people, even those guilty of sexual harassment, know that it is illegal. Workplace harassment can make everyone uncomfortable and can affect your job performance. Whether you are the target of the discrimination or are subjected to the direct harassment of one of your coworkers, you may be able to file a sexual harassment lawsuit against your employer.
Sexual harassment can include words, actions or demands for sexual favors. Men and women can be perpetrators and victims of sexual harassment. The comments can include statements about the victims body or about body parts in general. If someone is making you uncomfortable at your job by saying things of a sexual nature, a sexual harassment attorney in Worcester, MA can help you determine if you can file a lawsuit.
If your supervisor, coworker or a client of the business makes you uncomfortable with sexual comments, requests or demands for sex or inappropriate sexual actions, the first step is to follow your employer’s sexual harassment procedures. When possible, report the behavior to your human resources officer or the supervisor of the harasser. Another option is to report the harassment to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The EEOC will investigate the report and provide you with a right-to-sue notice.
In some cases, a person who is not the target of the sexual comments or actions loses their job due to lost productivity related to sexual harassment. The law prohibits an employer from retaliating against an employee who complains about sexual harassment. If you lose your job due to performance issues related to harassment of another employee or you are fired after reporting sexual harassment, you may need to talk to a Sexual Harassment Attorney in Worcester, MA. It is important to contact an attorney as soon as possible because the law limits the time you have to file a lawsuit.
For more information about sexual harassment in the workplace or to talk to an attorney about the actions of someone at your place of employment, click here. An attorney will advise you of the next steps you can take to stop the harassment or, if you have been fired, get compensation for your lost income.