Professional SSDI Attorneys in Monticello, NY assist you in the appeal process after you were denied social security benefits. These attorneys understand the eligibility requirements for disabled individuals to receive these benefits. After a review of your claim, these attorneys determine the most effective course of action to enable you to receive these benefits that you are entitled to receive. If you were denied social security benefits, you should contact the Law Office of Craig S. Fine today.
Filing an Appeal
In order to file an appeal in a social security disability case, it is beneficial to hire legal counsel. Through legal counsel, you discover the true reasoning behind your appeal. Your attorney will also determine whether additional medical evidence was needed for your initial claim. When this is the case, your attorney can file an appeal in court and schedule a new hearing for you to fight against this denial of social security disability benefits.
Local Social Security Attorneys
Craig S. Fine provides legal representation for accident victims who were injured on the job as well as disabled individuals who were denied social security benefits. Through his law office, you can file an appeal to fight against the SSA and overturn the denial. This will allow you to receive a settlement from the time your disability began until the date of the payment. He will also enable you to receive monthly social security benefits as you are entitled to receive. To learn more about Craig S. Fine can do for you, contact his law office at the number listed on his website.
Professional SSDI Attorneys in Monticello NY are your first line of defense against the SSA and insurance companies that fail to award you the benefits in which you are entitled to receive. This law firm provides you with a strong claim against these agencies to fight in court for your rights. Through the appeal process, you have the right to demand a new hearing to determine your eligibility for social security disability benefits. To discover more about the appeal process and to hire an attorney visit