Adding solar panels to your home is a great way to start reducing your reliance on public utilities. In addition to saving you on your monthly costs, you’ll be reducing your home’s carbon footprint. Once you schedule your solar installation in Monterey, CA, these tips can help you prepare for the big day.
Choose the Best Location
Homeowners usually choose to have solar panels attached to their home’s roof because this provides the best access to sunlight. If your property includes acres of land, you may want to set up a solar panel bank on the ground to avoid putting that much extra weight on your roof. Each panel weighs a minimum of 2.5 pounds, so weight is something to consider.
Determine Where You’ll Set Up Your Battery and Transfer Station
You may already decide to locate the energy transfer station near your circuit breaker box since that makes the most logistic sense. Some homeowners set up a separate system in an outdoor shed or a garage to keep the system closer to the solar panels. You can create a transfer station wherever you want, but you should have the location available to your installers on the day they arrive.
Clear the Area
You can help your solar installation in Monterey, CA, go more smoothly if you clear the area around the site of the installation. If the panels will be attached to your roof, make sure vehicles, lawn care equipment, and other items aren’t blocking access to the roof. You should also make sure children and pets will be kept out of the way.
When you’re ready to benefit from the use of a new solar panel system, request a free estimate from Premo Solar by visiting them online at