3 Signs Your Swimming Pool Needs Calcium Removal in Denton, TX

by | Jun 3, 2024 | Cleaning Service

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If you own a pool on your property, taking care of it is paramount to keeping it in great shape and increasing its lifespan. One way of achieving this is by removing excess calcium from the water. But how do you know your swimming pool has large amounts of calcium deposits? The main signs are discussed below.

1. Cloudy Water

Cloudy water in your swimming pool is a sign to get pool calcium removal in Denton, TX. While many things can make water in your swimming pool murky, the precipitation of calcium bicarbonate is the most notorious cause. Removing excess calcium from the water can help get rid of the cloudy appearance.

2. Scaling Issues

Have you noticed staining on your swimming pool’s walls and tiles? If yes, consider pool calcium removal in Denton, TX. Scaling in a swimming pool is usually the work of calcium bicarbonate buildup. The buildup can cause clogs in the pool’s pipes if left unchecked.

3. Unbalanced Water pH

The water pH in your swimming pool should always be balanced since unbalanced levels can diminish its quality. Removing excess calcium if the water has an unbalanced pH is very important. A professional will test your water’s pH to determine the exact amount of calcium they need to get rid of.

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