As a married couple, you may feel you have far to many expenses at this time than to worry about adding life insurance to the mix. However, the future is not guaranteed, and no man or woman wants to leave their family in a crunch after their death. While you’re young, death can seem like something far off, something that happens to other people. Unfortunately, healthy people die unexpectedly all the time. And if your family is dependent on your salary, having a life insurance policy in place could be the best gift you could leave them.
Funeral Expenses
Most young families rarely buy plots or pre-pay their funeral expenses. With Life Insurance in Austin TX, your family can easily bury you in the style you’d like, even if you haven’t made preparations ahead of time. Funerals and the associated expenses can easily rise up to and beyond $10,000. It’s not easy for grieving families to get their hands on that kind of money in short time frames. With insurance payouts, they don’t have to.
Education Costs
If you have young children at home, your death shouldn’t have to mean the end of their hopes of a higher education. With life insurance, they can have their future assured, regardless of whether they choose The University of Texas at Austin or Julliard. Where they go won’t be dependent on funds, but choice. Furthermore, tuition will be available for private schools or sporting events they may need to attend. Money won’t be an issue.
Spouse’s Salary
Let’s face it, in today’s economy, most families need two incomes to make ends meet. Whether the major bread earner passes away or the secondary earner, the money needs to be there to help with everyday costs. In many cases, this comes in the form of help with daycare, cleaning the home or paying off loans the two of you took on together.
If you’re finally convinced that Life Insurance in Austin TX is an essential purchase for your growing family, contact the experts at Perdue Insurance Group to discuss your options.