3 of the Most Frequently Asked Questions About SSI Benefits in Stockton

by | Oct 14, 2021 | Attorneys

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Are you a U.S. citizen that has been suffering from a condition that has left you permanently disabled? Have you been paying out-of-pocket for all your daily expenses and healthcare needs but now require assistance as your resources are quickly depleting? Are you wondering about the types of federal benefits programs you may be eligible for? If so, then here are the two most frequently asked questions when applying for SSI benefits in Stockton.

What Are the Eligibility Requirements for This Program?

One of the top frequently asked questions about SSI is about its eligibility requirements. The minimum requirements to apply for this benefits program is that you are disabled, blind, or age 65. Additional requirements include that you have limited income and resources, you are a U.S. citizen or a lawfully permitted alien, and others.

What Should You Do if Benefits Are Denied?

Another frequently asked question when it comes to applying for SSI benefits and seeking approval is that what can be done if benefits are denied even though you deserve them. The best course of action would be to hire a lawyer that is well versed in disability benefits programs.

Who to Trust for Professional Legal Representation in Stockton?

Perhaps you have already applied but have been denied benefits. You are now searching for the best SSI lawyers in Stockton for help. Contact the law offices of Pena & Bromberg. They offer decades’ worth of expertise and have been proudly serving clients for several years. So, when searching for the best SSI lawyers in Stockton for help, they are the ones to call. Visit them today.

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