24 Hour Bail Bonds in Tyler TX for Defendants Who Cannot Tolerate the Jail Food

by | Nov 2, 2019 | Bail Bonds

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People who have been arrested typically want to get out of jail as soon as possible, perhaps through 24 Hour Bail Bonds in Tyler TX. Being locked in a jail cell is an unpleasant and sometimes scary experience. The defendant may be at risk of losing his or her job for missing several days of work. Many defendants have family obligations for which they are responsible.

Some men and women have other, less common reasons for wanting to get out soon. For example, the jail may not be very accommodating to a defendant who is a vegetarian, for example.

General Expectations

Jails and prisons are expected to provide a safe environment for inmates, and that includes dietary factors. Inmates are not supposed to go hungry or to be served spoiled food, although the meals may be boring and repetitive. Men and women who are allergic to certain foods should have alternatives provided.

However, these facilities are not obligated to accommodate dietary restrictions that are because of preferences. This provides another incentive for a defendant to apply with an agency providing 24 Hour Bail Bonds in Tyler TX. If the arrest takes place on Friday night, waiting until Monday may be unacceptable, even if that would mean not missing any work.

Religious Considerations

When dietary issues in correctional facilities have been addressed in court cases, judges have tended to side with the county jails and correctional institutions. The exception is when the vegetarian or other restrictive diet is due to religious beliefs. Courts have typically viewed religious faith as a right guaranteed in the Constitution.

Jail vs. Prison

Men and women who are in prison have been convicted of a crime, which may lead many people to feel they get what they deserve when it comes to meals. For many jail inmates, however, the situation is different. They are in jail not because they have been convicted of a crime but because they cannot afford to pay bail. A certain percentage of jail inmates are likely to be innocent of the offense with which they have been charged. They may be able to secure their release by doing business with an agency like Strike Three Bonds. You can also visit them on Twitter for more information.

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