Month: January 2013

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The Health Benefits of Green Oolong Tea

Tea is an amazing and health giving substance, there are so many real health benefits associated with it that it is often an overlooked wonder food! There are many different types and subtypes of tea and all are basically good for you. However when milk gets added to...

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Rework and PCBs

The term rework is used to describe the repair of a PCB (printed circuit board). This term can also be used for the act of refinishing the PCB. Repair of these components is a job which cannot be undertaken by a novice as anything can potentially go wrong within the...

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Telephone systems by AT&T

A phone is a phone... not true. AT&T telephone systems and telephones are amongst the best in the world as they should be; they have been making phones since the time of Alexander Graham Bell. Today AT&T is the seventh largest company in the United States and...

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